Digital Media Directory

WORKING JOURNALISTS OF INDIA (WJI) is a journalist’s union registered under Trade Union Act on all-India basis with reach up to district and rural levels. It is the first journalist’s union affiliated with the Bhartiya Mazdoor Sangh which is the second biggest worker’s union in the entire world. The Bhartiya Mazdoor Sangh Will always stand with us shoulder-to-shoulder in all our struggles for the rights of journalists everywhere in India. The WJI along with the Bhartiya Mazdoor Sangh will always besides journalists’ interests, work for national interests. Now we provide a platform for our journalist, where we make media directory for there use. You can simply find any journalist or media organization’s data & also you can share or submit your own data.

Media Directories

Digital Media

Electronic Media

Print Media

Our App

PIB Accreditated Media Person List

WJI Booklet